
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Wowie! My creative brain is about to explode with all the ideas I'm comiong up with for new merchandise for online shopping and to sell at Sawdust Specialties & More (check them out on FaceBook) here in Leesburg, VA. So many ideas, so little time! Have you ever noticed that one idea leads to another, then another and before you know it, you have like 3 projects going on at once and your office/studio is a mess, filled with tid bits of creative musings and you're SO excited to work on all of these wonderful inspirations but don't know which to do first, which is why you do one thing, like put a coat of paint on one project, then start on the next while the paint dries, etc. That's how it begins and as crazy as it sounds.....isn't it wonderful? There is always a method to my madness and definitely  madness to my methods! As soon as I get things organized and finished, I'll post some pics. I love having a great day - hope you are too! {{{hugs}}}

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