There was a particular sale, however, where gawking was the least of my worries. My dear friend Judy and I used to spend the entire day driving all over, looking for treasures. If there was a yard sale, church bazarre, flea market or any other bargain lover's haunt, we'd point the car in that direction. We'd drive and laugh and sing and carry on and have a glorious time! We pulled into a sale one year and after looking around for a bit, Judy let out a squeal, then muffled a giggle. She'd found "the item"; the one that yard sale folk lore is made of. The one about which great tales would be told for generations to come. She'd found.... a used toilet scrubbing brush for only 25 cents! Now, I know that this is a real time-saving device and a true bargain, but, well, ick! I could barely contain my own giggling as I encouraged her to get back into the car before we totally embarrassed ourselves and hurt the seller's feelings. Yes, that was such a good time!
This spring, we had a lot of rain, which really cut down on the amount of sales in the area. After a few disappointing weeks, I had some great outings and was asked by a few folks to post pictures of my "mother load". While I haven't photographed everything yet, here are some samples:
What a haul! Great old bottles, French wine box, tin water pitcher, white jewelry box and wall pocket and a HUGE selection of antique silver flatware from the 1930's! Be still my heart! |
Another great sale - silver trays, old duck decoys, silver champagne bucket, old print and frames, sweet cherub (staying with me-can't part with this one) |
BIG FIND! Antique chair with green velvet upholstery and carved details including roses - LOVE IT! |
Stay tuned for news about my opening and thank you so much for reading and following. Blogger friends are the best!! Have a good one! ~Leena~