I hope that everybody enjoyed a wonderful and safe 4th of July! We spread our celebration out over two days, as we like to set off our own fireworks for the grand babies on the 3rd, and then enjoy the big town fireworks show on the 4th. On the 3rd, we enjoyed big, thick porterhouse steaks, delicious fresh corn on the cob and sweet watermelon before Geegaw (the kids' name for Jim) put on his world famous (well, family famous at least) fireworks extravaganza!
We always set the display up on the street, after giving the area a good watering down. With the high temperatures and dry conditions, despite some nasty storms, we never want to take chances. The hose stands at the ready, to make sure that everything is extinguished afterwards. Once dark, we drag out our chairs and anticipate the sparkling surprises that Jim has in store for us. It's so much fun as Jamison and Abigail "ooohhh" and "ahhhhh" over all the colors and they're quite comical covering their ears from the loud whistles and booms that some fountains make.
This year, Jim went all out and bought a HUGE assortment of pyrotechnics. There were fountains that whistled, screamed, banged, boomed, crackled, shot sparks up into the air and changed colors! They were all beautiful and we enjoyed another successful Geegaw fireworks display!
On the 4th, we packed a picnic and headed out towards the large community park where the town's fabulous show is held annually. I knew exactly where I wanted to lead out little troop, so with my daughter and the kids following, I maneuvered around the traffic (I love knowing all the back roads) and Jim spotted the perfect parking space. It was like we had reserved it, as there were cars all over, except for this one curbside space that was big enough for us both to park. Right across the street and up the hill, we spread our blankets, enjoyed our al fresco meal and listened to the music resonating from the park nearby. I must admit, we stopped attending the park's festivities several years ago because there really wasn't anything to do prior to the fireworks. They have food vendors and music, but it's usually very hot and there is only so long that I want to sit on a blanket before my rump falls asleep. In addition, it takes about two hours to get out of the parking lot afterwards and that's IF you can find your car in the total darkness. LOL! So, we "cheat" like a lot of our fellow community and find an area that's great for viewing, setting up an hour or less before the show starts.
Suddenly, as we were finishing our meal, BOOM! The kids started yelling, "Fireworks! Fireworks!" and Abigail jumped up and did her "totally excited 2-year old" dance. I'll have to video tape this sometime as there is no way that I could accurately describe the various arm waving, hip wiggling, foot stomping gyrations that are accompanied by squeals and giggles. Let's just say it's a real cute crack-up.
The display lasted 20 to 30 minutes and the fireworks were fantastic! There were all colors; green, blue, pink, purple, red, yellow, white, and many shapes, such as stars, smiley faces, things that looked like Saturn, flowers, waterfalls, star bursts and just plain good ol' sparkling explosions. I love to watch the little ones' faces during things like this, as they light up brighter than the fireworks themselves! We "ooohhed", "aaahhed", whistled, cheered and applauded, especially after the "grand finale" when they shot off about 10 HUGE fireworks, one after the other.
Upon arriving home, we always turn the television on to catch the Boston and NYC fireworks shows, which are incredibly awesome, and enjoy ice cream cones. This is something that I always did with my kids and it's fun to continue the tradition with my grandchildren.
Despite the heat and impending storm, we had a wonderful evening together as a family; an American family who is very thankful for the freedoms that our country, and those who fight and have fought for it, provides us. God Bless America!
Thank you for stopping by and have a wonderful weekend! Stay cool! Hugs, Leena